Saturday, August 26, 2023

Spitting image

Sermon for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity

It's rather disgusting.

Would you want
someone else's spit
on your tongue?

Even if they were trying 
to cure you?


It really isn't pleasant
to talk about spittle
and even mentioning it
make you feel uncomfortable
or even nauseous.

The fact is
that human beings
have to learn 
what disgusts us.

We are not born 
with knowledge of 
what's disgusting.

We learn by other people's

someone putting their spit
on your tongue 
definitely sounds
rather unpleasant.

In the Old Testament,
it is regarded
as a mark of contempt
to spit in someone's face.

We still think that now.

The Greek word for spit
is ptoo-o.

You can hear it, can't you?

That's exactly the word
that St Mark uses
when he tells us
how Our Lord spits 
- ptoo! -
and is touching this man's tongue.

it is loosened
and the man is speaking.

There is certainly no contempt here.

So there is a difference 
between how spitting
is regarded.

Our Lord's actions are not
of those who will spit upon Him
on the day of His crucifixion.

Our Lord's actions
are nearer to the parent
rubbing off the dirt 
on their child's face 
with a bit of spit on a tissue.

However aware we are
of the germs and diseases,
or of the general ickiness
of someone else's spit,
we cannot deny the love of a parent
cleaning their children with a little spit.


We are presented with Jesus
as Creator here,
for He is creating a tongue 
that will speak praises
using the very substance of His own flesh.

In spitting,
He not only shows that He is human
but that He is divine
and that He is willing to share 
His divine nature with us
at the most intimate level
even as He shares 
His human nature with us
at the most intimate level.


the obstacle that is in front of us
is the assumption which
we have learned as children
and have carried into our lives.

Our Lord's spit
may give us the shivers,
but it should actually
draw us nearer into the mystery
of His Divine Majesty.

That should give us
shivers of awe and wonder
and allow Him to become
more present to us,
unloosing our tongues
to sing His praise and glory
for eternity.

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