Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The temptation to bitterness

Something has happened to my Diocese that I really don't want to be the focus of this essay save to say that we have received a sleight that has made me angry. Rather than concentrate on what it was, I want to focus on the internal issue because that has a serious message for me and for others. 

My Church and my Diocese hold fast to traditional teachings of the One Holy Catholic Church and we do so unrepentantly and this means we run into conflict with those of a more liberal nature. In the past, many traditional Christians respond to sleights and conflicts with other sleights and maintain that conflict. Much "theology" is done in combat rather than in enquiry. Proof texts are thrown and the Fathers are mined in order not just to prove the opponent wrong but find some legitimacy for snubbing.

Anglo-Catholics are well known for the sharpness of their snipery and barbed rejoinders, but all these do is to perpetuate bitterness and ill-feeling.

I am angry on behalf of my Diocese because we work hard with meagre resources to preach the Gospel in Word and Sacrament only for that hard labour to be belittled, ignored, rejected, laughed at and cast aside. I feel that anger, not for myself but for the hard work of loyal Anglican Catholics who have tried to keep things going.

But, St Paul reminds me, I must be angry and sin not and let the matter pass. If I can see the hard work of my family in Christ, then God can see it better and with clearer sight. Our sins will be revealed but so will the grace which He has poured into our work.

The temptation is for things like this to make me bitter and, to my shame, I have allowed bitterness into myself which I deeply regret and seek to jettison as best I can. A Church built on bitterness cannot possibly stand because bitterness is shapeless and almost comfortable, not the firm and solid Rock on which Churches should be built. Our Lord refused the bitter gall on the Cross because He knew that it would numb Him to the pain of our sins.

If we are dispised and rejected, then we ought to rejoice because we participate in Our Lord's being despised and rejected. Many will say, "how dare you compare your piddling little woes with Our Lord's suffering?" But we are not comparing them: we are sanctifying our woes with His for through His Life the whole of our lives are sanctified in every aspect. This is the point of the Incarnation. Our woes may be small in comparison with the suffering of Our Lord or, indeed, with any of the martyrs past, present and to come, but it's not about comparison. The woes exist, regardless of degree, and each woe can draw us nearer to Christ. 

But for this participation to bear fruit to work, we have to emulate Christ in ourselves. This means casting out bitterness and pouring out forgiveness.

The ACC has had a reputation for being an angry Church. That anger was born of zeal and frustration, but we are established now. Our theological identity is distinct from the CofE and the RCC and at least as Catholic. Our fight for our identity is over because we know who we are in Christ. We have been granted a lampstand wherewith to shine the light of Christ on a darkening world and we must hold onto it through displaying our love for Christ and the love of Christ to all.

The recent sleight to my Ordinary and Diocese hurts and is not insignificant. I pray for the grace to grow and fight the real battle which is not against flesh and blood. It is fortunate that I can conclude with the collect for today's feast of St Crispin and St Crispinian. Please pray with me and for me.



O God, the invisible strength of those who fight for righteousness: assist us, we beseech thee, in our humble supplications, that we who on this day honour the glorious triumph of thy holy Martyrs Crispin and Crispinian, may for their sakes and at their prayers be defended against all spiritual wickedness. Through.

1 comment:

derril said...

I do pray for you regularly, Fr. Munn. As far as I am concerned this comment does not need to be posted. Just want you to know...