Sunday, March 23, 2025

Walking backwards to the Devil?

Sermon for the Third Sunday in Lent

Would you know
the Devil if you met him?

Some of the witnesses
who see Jesus' cast out a demon
clearly don't.

"He casts out demons
by the power of Beelzebub!"
they say.

The strange thing is
that they are indeed
witnesses of the miracle.

They see the demon
expelled from the man.

They have heard this man
speak when, before, 
he couldn't. 

So they have seen the effect
but they reject the cause.

Rather than see the truth, 
they would prefer to believe
that the Devil,
the prince of demons
was the cause.


Our Lord points out the irony here.

If you can't tell whether
a demon has been expelled by God 
or by the Devil.

Then you can't tell 
whether any demon
has been expelled by God
or by the Devil.

So, all the "proper" exorcisms
that have been performed 
by the Jewish authorities 
of the day
cannot be said definitively 
to have been by God.

As Our Lord says,
those who say that
He drives out demons by the Devil
are denouncing their own 

They cut off the branch
on which they sit.

But if they are wrong
and Our Lord casts out demons
through the Finger of God
- the Holy Ghost
- then they are witnesses 
to God's presence with them
and must repent.


Even today,
there are those
who are afflicted 
with the same tendency
to attribute to the Devil
that which comes from God.

There are those Christians who say,
"Unless you believe what I believe
then you are a worshipper of Satan!"

But wait!

If you cannot tell 
whether another's belief 
is truth from God or a lie from Satan
then you cannot tell whether
you yourself are a "worshipper of Satan".

True, we believe that 
what our Church teaches
is right
and therefore,
we must believe that
those who do not believe 
what we believe are wrong.

Being wrong is part 
of human fallenness
and therefore deserves
compassion and forgiveness,
not condemnation.

We do not tolerate 
the wrong doctrine
but we expel it by refusing to adopt it 
and by calling out heresy.

Those who accept heresy
indeed separate themselves 
from the Church,
but we always should seek
to keep the door of the Church open
for them to come back.

We certainly cannot say whether
a different group of Christians
are "worshippers of Satan"
unless we see Satan being worshipped.

If we want to know 
the fruits of the demonic,
they are listed by St Paul
in his letter to the Galatians.

"Now the works of the flesh 
are manifest, which are these; 
Adultery, fornication, 
uncleanness, lasciviousness, 
Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, 
variance, emulations, wrath, 
strife, seditions, heresies,
Envyings, murders, drunkenness, 
revellings, and such like: 
of the which I tell you before, 
as I have also told you in time past, 
that they which do such things 
shall not inherit the kingdom of God."

Christians of every sort
commit these faults, 
some on a daily basis,
but that does not make their
faith null and void. 

It just makes them
in need of salvation
through Jesus 
the Perfector of Our Faith.


Being a sinner
is not automatic Devil-worship.

Being a sinner
is not automatic damnation.

Being a sinner
is being in need of salvation
through Jesus Christ
and this salvation
is a process which begins at Baptism
and ends with our standing
before the Judgement seat of God.

God does not desire 
the death of a sinner
but rather that He repent
and live.

In our lives of repentance 
we will encounter the Devil
and we will encounter Christ.

We will,
at times, 
confuse the two 
- that's the consequence 
of The Fall
- but with Christ
we ALWAYS have the opportunity 
to repent and be part of His Church.

And that's a mark of the Church
we should recognise. 

Christ gathers,
the Devil scatters.

St Paul tells us 
what to look for:
"the fruit of the Spirit is 
love, joy, peace, 
longsuffering, gentleness, 
goodness, faith,
meekness, temperance: 
against such there is no law."

Rather than focussing
on turning away from the Devil,
we should be focusing 
on Christ.

By focusing on the Devil,
it is as if we are 
walking backwards
and we stumble over more obstacles 
that he puts in our path.

By focusing on Christ,
we necessarily turn 
from the Devil
onto the right path.


It doesn't matter 
where we are now
as long as we are 
committing ourselves 
to our salvation.

God sees us not as 
black with sin
but rather grey with sin,
still possessing 
the whiteness of His image 
that has not been 
but rather clouded
by our separation from Him.

And throughout our lives
spent turning towards Him,
He will purge us with hyssop
and we shall be clean.
He shall wash us
and we shall be whiter than snow.

That is our focus,
our way forward,
by facing forwards to Him.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

The Dog's Truth

Sermon for the second Sunday in Lent

Perhaps you remember 
the tale of Greyfriars Bobby,
the little dog 
who was so devoted to his master
that he refused to leave
his master's grave side.

Perhaps you remember
how the townsfolk
looked after him 
and cared for him
until the little dog himself died
at the age of 16
and was buried not too far
from his master.

Some people think this is a legend,
but the statue that stands 
in Bobby's memory
is there for a reason.

There must be some truth 
in that story for such
a memorial to have been erected.

There is truth in that story.


"There must be truth 
in that story,"
thinks the Canaanite woman
as she tends to her dying daughter.

"There must be truth
that He heals."

The Canaanite woman
holds to these two truths,
the truth that her daughter is dying,
and the truth that lies in
the people's tales
about Jesus healing people.

So she goes to the Master.

And she will not leave,
clinging to these two truths
with all her might.

And she cries out
and again
and again and again and again,
so much so that 
people get sick of her crying.

"Send her away.
Don't bother the Master!"

But she holds to
the two truths doggedly.

She will see the Master
and He will heal her daughter.

she catches the eye of God.

And He speaks truth:

"It is not meet
to take the children's bread
and cast it to the dogs."

A harsh rebuke?

Does she go away
reminded of her status as 
an outcast from 
the Children of Israel?


She knows another truth:
she is not Jewish and He is
but she is human
and so is He.

If He is the Messiah,
then He is merciful.

If He is the Messiah
then there is a crumb of mercy
that can fall for her.

She still holds doggedly
to the truth 
that He can heal.

He is truly the Master 
and she worships Him.

"Truth, Lord:
and yet the dogs eat
of the crumbs which fall
from their master's table"

For with Lord there is mercy.

And with that mercy
comes Divine admiration. 

"O woman, 
great is thy faith:
be it unto thee
even as thou wilt."

Notice how,
He calls her "woman"
- a term of respect,
a term of recognition of status,
a term of admiration, 
not a term to be used
to address a dog.

How can a master admire a dog?

How can a town 
set up a statue 
to a little dog 
who clung on to the truth 
of his devotion 
to his master?

To see an insult
in comparing this woman
with a dog
is to miss the breakdown
of the barriers 
that separate 
the Children of Israel
from the children of men.

For Jesus Himself
is the Bread of the Children of Israel
and He gives Himself freely
to a woman
whom the Children of Israel
would call a dog.

And He does so
because she has faith -
the knowledge that 
there must be some truth
in the stories she hears 
about Jesus,
even if she doesn't know
the whole truth.

He gives Himself to
this "dog"
in admiration 
with mercy and love.

And, in receiving this bread
she becomes one 
of the first gentile members
of the Church.


For us,
this faithful woman disappears into history -
a story, many would say 
- but if a story, then a story 
in which there must be some truth.

a story in which there is The Truth
a true story!
and this Truth 
that even now 
she holds onto 
in a state of Eternal bliss,
we, too, hold onto,

Sunday, March 09, 2025

The Devil's blunder

Sermon for the first Sunday in Lent

Why does Our Lord 
tell the Devil to get behind Him
after the third temptation?

Why not tell him to shoo
after the first?


We know a few things here.

we know that the Lord 
goes into the desert
for the purpose of being tempted.

We also know
that Our Lord is tempted 
throughout His life.

Remember when 
St Peter tries to stop
Jesus from going 
to Jerusalem and to the Cross.

Jesus uses the same words,
"Get the behind me, Satan!"

So Our Lord is tempted 
all His life,
not just in the wilderness. 

And yet, 
He goes into the wilderness 
to be tempted by the devil.



We face temptations
to sin daily
and it is very easy for us
to fall into sin
because the Devil 
catches us off guard
at a moment of weakness.

The only hope of 
protecting ourselves
is by knowing where we are weak,
where the Devil will try and get his foothold. 

For Our Lord,
the Devil tries to hit him
with natural physical needs,
with a crisis of faith,
with an assault on His relationship 
with the Father. 

If the Devil
can break one of those
and cause Jesus to sin,
then he's beaten the
would-be Saviour.

And Jesus knows it.

So He finds solitude 
in order to confront
the Devil and put a halt to his scheme.

But why not tell him to shoo
at the first?


Look at the temptations
and how they grow 
in desperation.

If we had the power
to turn stones to bread
and we're hungry,
many of us would fall at the first hurdle.

This is the most basic temptation:
we want a choccy biccy,
we can get that choccy biccy
so we take that choccy biccy.

And we take that choccy biccy,
regardless of whether 
it's someone else's,
it's not good for our health,
or we're supposed to be fasting. 

The Devil wants us to suspend 
our thinking
so that we might fall from God
through foolish ignorance 
and, once we stumble
he can find ways of making us fall further. 

But Our Lord has faith jn His Father
to provide and sees through
this first, crude attempt 
to make Him fall through


So the Devil moves on
to attack that faith
and expose either Jesus' pride
if He decides to jump,
or His lack of faith
if He refuses.

But Jesus counters
by reminding the Devil,
and reminding us,
that faith is not a toy
to be played with and abused
but our lifeline to the Father,
worthy of respect
and cultivation through 
living a life working in love.


So how can the Devil break this faith?

He knows he can't break 
that sort of faith.

He has one option left:
get Jesus to transfer His faith
away from the Father
and onto him.

If the Devil can show Jesus 
all the delights he has to offer
all of creation under his influence
and so get Jesus
to worship him 
in his power over all things,
then the Devil has won.

But it's a desperate ploy.
It's the last thing the Devil has to offer.

Once he plays this card,
he is exposed,
win or lose. 

And Jesus sees straight through it.

How could He not?

The greatest commandment
is that we love God
and that means we accept Him
as the Creator and Ruler of this universe,
All-knowing ,
and worthy of all worship.

It's a monumental howler by the Devil,
but the only hand he has left
against the Son of God.


In our Lent,
we examine the areas
in which we are tempted most.

In our pride,
we see our need to matter.

In our gluttony,  envy and avarice,
we see our hunger for something good.

In our lust,
we see our need to be loved.

In our wrath,
we see our need for justice.

In our sloth, 
we see our need for motivation. 

All of these temptations
are met in God.

All of our weaknesses are
covered by God.

And this is why He goes into the wilderness, 
so He can be tempted as we are
only without sin.

And, as the the waters of Baptism justify us
by being consecrated by Christ's Baptism,
as marriage is made a sacrament
by being  consecrated 
in Christ's miracle at Cana,
as the grave becomes the door to life,
by being consecrated 
in the death of God,
so are our temptations consecrated by His.

They become, 
not fodder for our destruction by the Devil,
but means by which 
we see our need for God in our lives.

This is the Devil's big blunder
in the hands of one
who seeks a closer walk with God,
temptation shows 
how we need Him.

The Devil has lost temptation 
for the Christian. 

So tell him to shoo,
and seek God in your weakness
and the love of God will make you strong
unto the age of ages.

Saturday, March 08, 2025

Taint necessarily so

"Not Equal Yet" is the latest promotion within the CofE lobby group WATCH (Women And The CHurch).

This is the latest on the "Not Equal Yet" ticket written by WATCH trustee Georgia Ashwell.

I'm not going to address it fully as I have argued my case and the argument has not been debunked largely because the problem is political.

The first think I note is that I agree fully with Dr Ashwell in that the theology of the CofE is a mess and that mess means that a coherent understanding of the sacraments is impossible. If all theologies are tolerated within the CofE, why not a theology that holds to the traditional understanding of ordination and the concomitant view that significant deviation from that tradition is invalid? 

The Catholic Church in its branches (Orthodox, Roman and Anglican Catholic) intends to do what the Church has always done. In ordaining women, the Church of England cannot intend to do what the Church has always done. But some bishops in the CofE do intend to do what the Church has always done and thus have possibly preserved that intention and possibly preserved the sacrament, though the fact that they remain in a Church which, as part of its doctrine, does not intend to do what the Church has always done injects doubt into their orders. Were they to seek priesthood in the Anglican Catholic Church,  they would receive ordination sub conditione. There is therefore a theological reason why The Society will only permit consecration by bishops from The Society. It is not misogyny.

This brings me to my next point. Dr Ashwell states that she believes The Society's position to be misogyny and not theology but she does not say how. I certainly sympathise wholeheartedly with those female CofE priests who have suffered abuse from members of the Society - that is not on! I condemn fiercely any spitting, insulting or aggression to any women on the grounds that they are a woman, especially a female priest. I respect the learning and devotion that these women have to answering some call to bring the Gospel to the people who need to hear it, and I know that God smiles on their efforts. But those efforts are limited by the truth that they are ministers and not priests in the eyes of the Catholic Church and that there is necessary some falsehood being disseminated. A declaration of misogyny, however, is a socio-political statement and not a theological one. If Catholics are misogynist to believe in a male-only priesthood, then perhaps God Himself is misogynist for calling only men to the priesthood or for not making His will clearer. Is that what WATCH are saying?

Third, what do WATCH want? In the CofE, women are ordained to all three orders. The third most senior bishop is Dame Sarah Mullally of London. Women bishops are, for the sake of promoting equality, leapfrogging men to enter the House of Lords. Women are eligible to enter every position in the CofE, any at all - except those places inhabited by traditional Catholics and headship Evangelicals. Indeed, at every ordination by the Society, there is always a female bishop (usually Dame Sarah) standing there in chimere and rochet as if to assert their validity among those who cannot (and they truly cannot, Dr Ashwell) believe it for the sake of "mutual flourishing" and the incoherent 5 GPs (Guiding Principles).

 So what do WATCH want? I've asked that before. To force everyone to recognise their ministry? But they wouldn't force any other theology on anyone else. They wouldn't insist that everyone stopped believing in Hell, would they? While I appreciate in my ignorance in the matter, It looks to me that WATCH want to be let into those parishes which hold traditional views. That smacks to me, not of equality, but of dominion. Whatever they claim,  WATCH  is a political lobby, NOT a theological lobby, and that they confuse the two. This is why they cannot see as theology traditional Catholic doctrine that they despise.

They call for people to join them but they don't say their purpose. That's because their purpose is very clear: they want The Society and the Evangelical groups out of the CofE. They want them defunded, deplatformed, demoted and despised. Let's be clear on that.

My own advice to the Society and to the Evangelical groups is: let them have their way. They are not going to rest and will use every means at their disposal, especially their well-rehearsed political rhetoric in a politically correct society to destroy the Catholic Faith.

The Anglican Catholic Church is here for the Catholics. There are good Evangelical groups such as the Church of England (Continuing) that can be joined. There is no such thing as mutual flourishing when WATCH have politicised the term and continue to play the victim rather than see the good that can be done with the 5GPs.

The cost is great but we need to start rebuilding the Catholic Church in this country. This is a challenge and involves great and radical sacrifice. It requires faith, conviction and prayer. We in the ACC are ready to talk whenever people want to talk.