
Sunday, February 11, 2024

In praise of the JHPCU

Why I support the Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi Christian University

Last year I completed my doctoral studies in Theology and was elected a Fellow of this university and I find it a great honour to have been so.

Let me first start by giving some indication as to my ability to speak of educational institutes. As you will know from my pen-name, my first university education was at the University of Warwick in Mathematics. I am proud of my degrees there: I was taught well at an institution which was rated by the QS World University Rankings as 21st (2021) and 19th (2023) for the quality of Mathematics. To put that in perspective for my American readership, in the same year, Duke University was ranked 55th (2021) and 57th (2023) for Mathematics. I hope you will understand that I have some barometer by which I can judge the quality of education that I have received.

While I was at Warwick, I would often pass by pictures of the Mathematics Institute at its beginning. There was a particular photograph of the nascent Institute in 1965 of a collection of a few mathematicians, mainly from Cambridge, who were setting up that institute. The most notable was Professor Sir Christopher Zeeman but also Professor David Epstein whose images in hyperbolic geometry are still used today. I was taught by the latter since Sir Christopher was by then the master of an Oxbridge college. What stayed with me was that august institutions have small beginnings.

I can say the same of the Anglican Catholic Church: we received autonomy in 1978 and have grown as an institution to the body we have now, making our contribution to Church unity as one of the G3. 

To be present at a birth is always a privilege. To be responsible in bringing something to birth is tense, fraught and yet truly wonderful.

And so to the JHPCU.

I became aware of the JHPCU through Professor Stewart Thompson who is now the principal of the Victoria College of Music. The VCM is an independent college which has the weight of a century in its work. It has its roots in Christianity - indeed, one of the modules it offered was that of Bible Reading. From the VCM, I found myself intrigued by the existence of the JHPCU.

Why JHP? Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi was a swiss pedagogue and committed Christian whose overriding thesis is that education should be a right, not a privilege. I am in full agreement of that for education is that which enables us to find a deeper language with which we can talk to, and talk about, God. The existence of God is written in all things and it is through education that we see that writing.

I resolved to study with them because I am involved in the Board of Ministry and Education in my diocese. We needed a training programme for our clergy and found that with the VCM but now had the opportunity to enhance that training with a university. If we wanted to use the JHPCU for our training then I needed to be trained by them. I also felt that such a project would help us as a diocese understand our identity as Anglican Catholics and give me an opportunity for my writing to be given a more rigorous scrutiny by proper academics. The tuition fees were very reasonable, as to be expected from an institution which seeks to provide a right rather than offer a privilege.

My supervisor was Professor Craig Paterson. Since coming to know him, I have been impressed by his significant credentials. I have his book on Analytic Thomism - a subject of serious academic weight - and found that he has worked with a luminary no less than Professor Elizabeth Anscombe. I know academics - I have been in the presence of such wonderful people such as Professor Jack Cohen and Professor Ian Stewart. I shook hands with Sir Roger Penrose and Professor Sir Michael Atiyah for whose great niece I would go on to administer public examinations. By this blatant name-dropping, again I hope I show that I know academics of quality, and so I was reassured that under Professor Paterson, I would receive sound supervision. And I did!

Paterson didn't let me get away with anything - no sloppy thinking allowed, nor the omission of full and complete references. The difference was that I received a better, more pastoral supervision filled with encouragement that, sadly, I did not receive at Warwick where my supervisor was not always available or ready to listen. I may have learned independence at Warwick but I did not learn confidence.

When finally I came to my viva, I was examined by Bishop Andrew Linley and The Venerable Peter Johnson - again certainly no intellectual lightweights. Again they took me to task to make sure that I produced works of quality. The fact that they passed me both for my masters and doctorate means that I met their standards. You may judge that for yourself as I have published my masters thesis as The Meaning of Anglican Catholicism and my doctoral thesis as Anglican Catholic Moral Theology, available from Lulu. Whether you agree with my conclusions or not, you will see the quality of education I have received and I am quite proud of my work.

Of course, the big difference is that Warwick is a very secular institution; the JHPCU is not. It is Christian and that informs the pastoral care. Neither is it a narrow institution: the JHPCU is involved in the Latimer Institute run by the UECNA which is of a decidedly Old High Protestant persuasion. Again, I might disagree with certain aspects of the theology of the UECNA, but I see in The Latimer Institute hard work being undertaken by the academics there and good on them - they ought to be proud of themselves!

From my point of view as a member of my diocesan board of ministry, education is not the be-all and end-all. My diocese is committed to spiritual formation as well as theological education as we want our priests to lead a balanced and rounded life of prayer and not just study. The JHPCU also sees spiritual development as something that can be informed by, but not subsumed in, theological education.

And so I am now a Fellow for the University. I don't receive a wage - none of us do because that is beside the point - so I cannot be accused of being in someone's pockets. I see myself like as of one of the few standing outside the farmhouse which housed Warwick's first mathematics institute. I have high hopes for the JHPCU's future and pray daily for its ministry in the world. It may be a new institution but the ACC is a new institution, too, and I believe that also has an important commission to fulfil.

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