
Sunday, March 19, 2023

Fattening up for a rest

Sermon for the fourth Sunday in Lent

Which day of Creation are we in?

You know 
that first chapter 
of Genesis. 

God creates the world 
in six days 
and rests on the seventh.

So which day are we in?


If you believe that 
this first chapter of Genesis 
means that the universe 
really was created 
in six periods of twenty-four hours, 
then the question seems silly 
as there are over a million days 
since the creation.

It's true that the universe 
could have been created in that way, 
but that's not really what 
the Biblical account of Creation is for, 
nor does the Bible say that 
it has to be that way.

Which day are we in?

You might say the seventh.

We don't see God 
active in the world, 
so He must be resting. 

No new animals 
are springing into being 
before our very eyes, 
are they?

In fact, 
we are seeing animals 
change and evolve all the time. 

From this point of view, 
Creation is still happening. 

Are we really in the sixth day?


And then there is evidence 
from the Lord Himself. 

Five barley loaves 
and two small fish.

Five thousand men, 
not counting women and children.

Twelve baskets of leftovers.

Do the maths!

We see God Himself 
create Woman from one single rib 
from the side of Man.

This is how we know 
that Jesus is God.

Only God can create, 
and here, in front of our very eyes, 
Our Lord doesn't bake bread -
He creates bread.

It's interesting to note 
that the Hebrew word for creating 
also means to make fat. 

When He creates, 
God makes things substantial. 

Our bodies are fleshed out 
by His act of creation.

You see this happening 
before your eyes 
as five loaves and two fish 
are fleshed out, 
made substantial, 
Forming a banquet 
to fatten the hungry multitude.

God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, 
is creating in front of 
five thousand men. 

This is indeed a miracle, 
but only one that 
can be performed by someone 
with a control over matter 
that is unparalleled.

So we must be in the sixth day.


This means that the seventh day i
s yet to come. 

The Eternal rest of God 
when Creation is complete, 
when Creation is perfect. 

Are you perfect? No?

Then you are still being created!

And God, being Love, 
does not insist on His own way. 

This means that 
you have a hand 
in your own creation. 

You can choose how you turn out. 

This is God's gift of free-will to us all!

Do you understand that?

You play an active part in your creation.

 What you choose to do 
will and does 
affect who you become. 

It means that someone 
can reject God's destiny for her 
by preferring her idea of perfection 
instead of His. 

That separates her from God 
because she prefers 
to err from His way.

And God says of those 
who err in their hearts 
and who do not know His ways 
that they shall not enter His rest.


In feeding us, 
God is fattening us up for His rest. 

He gives us His substance, 
our daily bread, 
so that when the sixth day is over, 
we are complete perfected in Him, 
and fitted for Heaven to live with Him there. 

Only then can 
we behold the face of God and live, 
truly live.

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