
Saturday, April 14, 2007

The shape of things to come?

Sometimes the Internet seems such an impersonal thing - indeed one could easily come to the conclusion that the people who email and comment on message boards are figments of the imagination and/or programmed responses given by the computer like a chinese box.

However, today I can refute this technological solipsism in the shape of Albion Land and the various members of the Anglican Catholic Church with whom I received communion with their gracious permission today. Albion, as you may know runs The Continuum blog and is striving to hear God's vocation for him realised as a priest in the ACC. Certainly my prayers go with him.

Today has been very special as I have witnessed my first ordination, and received the Sacrament with people who actually agree with me (more or less) with what is happening in the Eucharist. I also heard Fr Damien Mead's sermon based upon the sermon of a previous bishop (now at peace) written for ordinations. What struck me was that for once I was receiving a guarantee - a guaranteed Sacrament administered by a guaranteed bishop (The Rt Rev'd Rommie Starks) in a church which has orders guaranteed by the Grace of God. The Church of England cannot guarantee that her own priests believe the orthodox faith judging from the recent comments by Dr Jeffrey John.

While I am, like Fr. Vervoorst was, confused about my role in a confused church, I am beginning to see some where that I may be calling home. Pray for me please that I may hear God's will in this matter.


  1. This is somewhat off-topic, but I can't find your E-mail address in the relative short time I've available at present. I posted "Theological Outlines" to my Blog - DeepSouth Anglican, which hopefully will be active soon enough on the CABR. I've also added your Blog directly to my "Blog List". You've an excellent Blog & info. Thanks,


  2. I'm very grateful for your kind words, my friend.

    I think that it is so important that we seek a consistent and orthodox faith together. I have found Theological Outlines a very helpful book to use.

    I've started on Summa Theologiae but that needs more time for me to ruminate over.

    God bless and all the best for the new blog.
