
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Ordering food

You can hear them now.

"So let me get this straight.
They come to Him,
listen to Him for hours
and they still get hungry?

Why go through the business
of multiplying loaves and fishes?

Why not just stop them 
from being hungry
in the first place?"


It's an objection
we hear many give
as their reason for 
why they do not believe 
in God.

Indeed, David Attenborough 
says that he can't believe 
in a God that created parasites 
that would infest small children.

It's all very well 
that Our Lord
walks among us 
and helps those 
suffering from hunger,
illness and even death.

But why didn't he
stop hunger, illness and death
to begin with?


As Christians,
we have to accept 
that any answer we give
will not address the whole
problem of our pain.

What we do have to accept 
is the responsibility that we hear
for the way that things are.

For example,
if everyone looked after each other
and only consumed what they needed
and did not hoard things up,
there would be no need of money,
there would be no starving millions
there would be no people living in places 
where they might get 
infected by parasites.

If everyone loved each other
and trusted each other
and valued the trust 
others have in them,
the world would be a better place.


God's order of creation works
but we suffer 
when we corrupt it ourselves.

And we corrupted it 
from the beginning 
when we took the fruit 
at the instigation
of the Wicked Serpent.

Once we add
the chaos of our own selfishness 
into the order of God's Creation 
then it is no wonder that
there is poverty, illness and death.


But then, God loves us
and He wants us to be free
so it is out of Love 
that He allows us
to live in the consequences 
of our freedom
and yet He Himself
enters in to the chaos
we have caused 
to show us that
if we love Him
if we trust Him
if we follow and obey Him
we can find our way back 
to a universe 
that is ordered to joy
not just despite our free will
but because of our free will.

God gives grace to us all
to endure and learn from
the follies of this life.

He does not forget the hungry
but perhaps we should not
forget the hungry either 
and feed them 
because we love them.

He does not change 
the habits of parasites
but perhaps 
we need to find ways
if living our lives
so that no child lives
in places or conditions 
where they can be infected 
by parasites.

Perhaps we need to use
what God has given us
to treat all those who are ill.

Perhaps we need to live lives
so that we can prevent 
painful sufferings and
painful deaths.


While this sounds
like we're the ones to blame
for the disorder in the world 
we should remember that
we are affected by the disorder 
we inherit from those
who came before.

This is not a blame game.

God isn't here to condemn us
for not giving enough to the poor
or to charities that care for the sick.

Guilt is not something 
God wants for us.

So instead He feeds us
He shows us that His love
for us never stops
bur rather we should 
learn to love each other
as best we can,
limited though we may be 
in this fallen world.

We do what we can.

That's okay.

But we do it
with prayer 
and pleading 
for the bread of life 
to help us
and to nourish those
who are hungry.

If we just keep praying 
keep loving 
keep serving God
to the best of our 
then we will have done
what we can.

We will have given
our paltry loaves 
and our scrawny little fish 
into those pierced hands 
and God will do the rest.

God will always 
order good food
for His children.

Sometimes we just need 
to go and collect it.

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