
Saturday, June 01, 2024

Worth a good meal?

Sermon for the Sunday in the octave of Corpus Christi

But we're all
unworthy of the Body
and Blood of Christ
are we not?

How can we 
receive our Holy Communion 

It doesn't matter 
if we've confessed our sins
and repented 
does it?

We're still
not worthy of
such a wonderful 
- the Body and Blood 
of Jesus Christ 
our God.

So how can we ever
receive the Body and Blood 
of Our Lord Jesus Christ 


When we read our Bible
we do have to take care
that we understand that
sometimes things get 
a bit muddled in translation.

When St Paul
says that we must 
not eat and drink
he is referring specifically 
to the rather raucous meals
that used to precede 
the Eucharist.

People at these meals
get drunk 
some go hungry 
others overeat
- it doesn't bring our 
minds to the last supper.

These folk aren't eating 
and drinking in remembrance 
of Him 

They have forgotten.

It is not the people
who are unworthy
but they are treating the Eucharist 
- it is not worth their
undivided attention.

Indeed, St John reminds us
that there was someone 
who did not treat the first Eucharist 
at the Last Supper as being
worthy of his time.

Judas only sees the worth 
of Christ too late,
for his treatment 
of the Body of Christ
means that he knows
that he has eaten and drunk
damnation upon himself
as the thirty pieces of silver
rattle in his pocket.

St Paul is quite clear.

If we do not treat 
the Eucharist with respect 
then we eat and drink
damnation upon ourselves.

It is precisely because 
of St Paul's words
that we Catholics 
now receive the sacrament 
in our Mass.

People may laugh
and poke fun 
at the elaborate rituals
and ceremonies,
but for us
offering the sacrifice of the Mass
is the pinnacle of worship,
greater than singing pious songs
greater than listening 
to long passages of Scripture,
greater than erudite and learned sermons 
greater than confessing our sins.

It is the pinnacle of our worship 
because we are doing what 
we are told to do.

We do this in remembrance 
of Our Lord.

This isn't a casual memory
like thinking back
to the last meal you had
with good friends.

This is a bringing to mind,
making presents
the Body and Blood of Christ
according to the ancient rites
of the Holy Church.

The Mass exists 
precisely in order to make sure
that no-one brings
damnation upon themselves 
by being reckless
like Nadab and Abihu
who were reckless with
the Ark of the Covenant 
and were burnt up.

It is why we have a duty
to educate our layfolk
to ensure that we are prepared 
to meet with Our Lord Himself
as we take Him into 
the inmost part of our very selves,
not as bread and wine
but making sure
that we know the Body and Blood
of the One Who deems us worthy
of His love 
and Who trusts that we believe
Him to be worthy 
of our love.

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