
Saturday, May 06, 2023

Time Travel Trinity

Sermon for the fourth Sunday after Easter

Surely the Holy Ghost
has been present in creation
since the beginning time?

Wasn't He there,
moving on the face of the waters,
 right at the beginning
when God said, “let there be light”?

Why does Our Lord Jesus Christ
start talking about when
the Holy Spirit will come
if He’s already here?


If you think about it,
we actually have
the same problem with
Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Was he not
in the beginning with God?

Of course he was –
Saint John testifies to that.

“In the beginning was the Word...”

If Our Lord was in the beginning
how can He have been born
two thousand years ago?


The problem is our
understanding of time.

If Doctor Who
can travel back in time
before he was born,
then this should be a piece of cake for God,
and God is not fiction!

God the Holy Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost,
are in Eternity.

Somehow they all stand outside of Time. T

his is how it is possible
for Our Lord to have been born
two thousand years ago
and still be present
at the moment of Creation.

 Time has no restriction for Him.

Christ injects himself into Creation
two thousand years ago
so that we can see Him,
handle Him,
walk with Him,
hear Him speak.

Because we are all time-bound
we do not have this freedom
to move backwards and forwards in time
or see into Eternity.

This means we need revelation.

God has to reveal himself over time
in order for us to understand
Who He is
and so it is necessary
that the Holy Ghost
is revealed to us in time.


What we see here
is that the Holy Ghost
proceeds from the Father
as the source of all things
and enters into Time
through the Son.

This is how we understand
the relationship between
Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost proceeds
only once from the Father
through the Son.


Why should this matter to us?

Why does the Holy Ghost need to be revealed?



When we want to make
a relationship with people,
we need an introduction
so that we can find a way
to begin the conversation.

This is a typical English problem:
we don't like speaking to people
when we haven't been introduced to them.

Our Lord, therefore,
like the good Englishman
that He is,
makes sure
that we are introduced
to the Holy Ghost.

It means that the Holy Ghost
is not some kind of magic force
that you might find in Star Wars.

This means that the Holy Ghost is a person.

We are introduced to Him
and He engages in a relationship with us.


Admittedly, this relationship
seems to be full of reproof.

The Holy Ghost convicts us of sin,
He shows us where
we are wanting in righteousness,
and He reminds us that judgement awaits.

This seems very uncomfortable:
do we really want to know the Holy Ghost?


Of course we do!

To know the Holy Ghost
is to know the Father.

To know the Holy Ghost
is to know our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is good for us that our sin,
our lack of righteousness,
and our need for judgement
are revealed to us.

This is nothing less than
an expert doctor
giving a diagnosis of a severe ailment
that we possess.

The words of the Holy Ghost
are there to bring us life
in all its fullest.

This is the Breath of God
that breathes into us a new spirit.

It is the Holy Ghost
Who works with us
and within us
in the process of our justification
that begins at Baptism
and continues through to the day
in which we are taken to God in judgement.

It is the Holy Ghost who sanctifies
on a path by which we are set aside for God, p
laced upon the narrow way
to the strait gate.


The day of Pentecost
will soon be here
for Christ's disciples
and now they listen to the promises
of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

These are promises they can trust
because Our Lord
has already kept His greatest promise,
the promise of Resurrection.

And as they engage
with this risen Lord in a reality
that is so strange
and yet so ordinary,
their eyes and ears are full of wonder.

Their hearts are being prepared
to receive the Holy Ghost,
prepared for that great introduction
to the One Who will change
their lives yet again for the better
by equipping them for service.

We, too, can listen to
the words of Our Lord
and hear His promises.

Yes, there is judgement ahead,
but it is a righting of wrongs,
a filling in of the cracks
and putting aright whatever is amiss.

We have this now in ourselves
because the Holy Ghost is in us now
and He makes himself known
in the utter joy we feel
when we hear the promises of Christ for us
and know that they are true.

We too are being prepared
for service –
a particular service by which
we respond in love to God –
and that is something
that is always been revealed to us,
no matter who we are.

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