
Sunday, September 04, 2022

On the difference between spouses and oysters

Sermon for the twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Someone approaches you
and says to you,
"Why can't I commit adultery?
It says in the Bible that 
you mustn't eat shellfish,
yet I've seen you eat those oysters.

If you, as a Christian,
can eat oysters
then I, as a Christian,
can commit adultery."

How do you answer?


Our relationship with God
has always been expressed
through covenants.

God has made lots of covenants
with Man.

There was the covenant with Noah.
There was the covenant with Abraham.

And there was the great Covenant,
The Covenant with Israel through Moses,
set in stone.

It is in this Covenant that we find 
the 613 commandments
given to the people of Israel.
This includes the prohibition
against eating shellfish
and the prohibition
of committing adultery.

That's the covenant God makes 
with His Chosen people Israel.
It is not a covenant 
that God makes
with all people.
It's just with the Israelites.

So what about us?
What about us Gentiles?

Where's our covenant?


Well, you know the answer to that.

The blood of the New Covenant
is the Blood of Christ itself,
the same Blood which we drink
at our Mass
and take into ourselves
to live and grow with in us.

This is a covenant that is not 
written on stone
but within our life,
because the life of the Christian
is the Life of Christ
and the Life of Christ 
is the Life of Love -
Love of God
Love of neighbour.

So now look again at the question.

If you can eat shellfish, 
can you really commit adultery?

The two laws are so different.

How can the prohibition
against eating shellfish
be similar to the prohibition
against committing adultery?

One is a ritual law.
One is a moral law.

The ritual law is an expression
of what it is to be an Israelite.
God may have given this law
for many particular reasons,
but overall,
the ritual law is to show the world
that God has separated 
His chosen people, Israel,
from the nations around.

The Old Testament ritual law is an expression
of the freedom of Israel
from the captivity of the Egyptians.
But it doesn't bind us.

We don't need circumcision,
we need Baptism.
We don't need the Passover,
we need the Mass.

Our Christian ritual law
is bound up with the Sacraments.
If we play our part in the sacraments
God gives us His Grace
- Grace which we need
to live the life of Christ.

This is why we have rules about how 
how sacraments are conducted
because a sacrament is an expression
of the Christian Covenant with God
through Our Lord Jesus Christ.

But our morals are based in Love.


To reject God,
to blaspheme,
to worship other gods,
to spurn His Church
all show hatred of God.

To dishonour our parents,
to murder,
to commit adultery,
to steal,
to bear false witness,
to cover another's possessions
all show hatred of our neighbour.

Love is the fulfilment of the Law.


The Old Covenant
shows the nation of Israel
what is righteous
but it cannot save them.

Israel falls from the covenant 
time and again.

But here is the true wonder.

The New Covenant can save them,
it does save them.

We know that Christ bursts
the gates of the dead
to rescue those who have died
before Christ is even born,
because the New Covenant
is Love
and Love is eternal.

This is the glory of the New Covenant:
it is eternal and it applies
to all who receive it.


"If ye love me, keep my commandments,"
says the Lord.

This is how we can tell the difference
between an oyster
and another person's spouse.

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