
Sunday, May 01, 2022

Firing the Synod

Sermon preached at the XXXth Synod of the Anglican Catholic Diocese of the United Kingdom

The planet Jupiter
is fascinating
for many reasons.

It is the largest planet
we know
in our Solar System.

The Great Red Storm
on its surface
is more than
twice the size of our planet.

It has the largest number of natural moons
that we know of
and a magnetic field that probably
helped shape our Solar System.

Its gravity is enough
to trap the larger rocks into its orbit
thereby saving planet Earth
a bit of a bashing.

However, the planet Jupiter is a failure.

Despite its vast size,

it hasn't enough gravity
to compress and combust
the gas that forms it.

Jupiter could have been another star,
but it failed to ignite. 


Ten virgins,
all pure as the driven snow,
all chaste,
all demure,
all socially acceptable,
all preserved from stain.

Yet only five get to go into the wedding feast.

The other five failed to ignite
because they didn't have enough oil.

What do we see here?

The pattern should be familiar to you:

it is not the following of social rules
that gets you into Heaven.

It's not the impression of sanctity
or holiness that cause our Salvation.

It's more than that.

There may be something important lacking.

Something internal.

Jupiter lacks enough substance
so it cannot burn.

The Virgins lack oil in their lamps,
so they cannot shine their light.

Having the appearance of the right materials
is not enough for the fire to start.

What is lacking?


We remember today St Catherine of Siena.

She is a noted Doctor of the Church.

So what is her diagnosis of those
who cannot start a fire?

What does she say is lacking?

She says quite clearly,
"be who you are meant to be
and you will set the world on fire!" 

Is she right? 

Many would say, "yes!"
but for precisely
the wrong reason.

We know full well that the Church isn't
about being who you want to be.

That’s the mistake the World makes.

The person of the world says,

"I am who I say I am.
Accept it, or else!" 

Listen to that again.
"I am who I say I am!"

You can really hear the problem, can't you?

Only One can say,
"I am that I am!"
and He rules the Universe.

It precisely this reason that
Traditional Christian Religion
is not popular at the moment.

It is precisely this reason
that some Christians
are trying to change the Church
so that it will say,
"you are who you say you are
and God loves you for that."

That is, of course, unbiblical,
and unmitigated rubbish!


God loves you for who you are
- this is true.

But loving you means
a burning desire for your good.

God loves you
so that you shine as the person
He created you to be.

He desires your good.

But what is your good?

Nothing less than your perfection in Him.

We are to be perfect even as our Heavenly Father is perfect.

The Church is about
you being who you are meant to be.

Who you are meant to be
is God's decision, not yours.

Only God gives meaning.

Now, God created you
but He also allows you the freedom
to shape your life as you see fit.

That is part of the glory of being human:
we get a say our own creation.

We are indeed free
to be whoever we think we are.

But, leaving God out
of our lives of self-creation
means we will never be
who we are meant to be.

We cannot be perfect without God. 

In trying to become who we want to be,
we do set the world on fire.

The fire we cause destroys.

We burn up the world around us.

We burn up our environment,
our community,
our family and friends
and even ourselves,
just to get our own way.

We want what we want and,
to Hell with the consequences!

Just to become the person
that we want to be,
we cut off our noses to spite our face
in glorious vindictiveness
against God Himself
Who tries to show us who we really are
in His love.

We would rather burn up than let God ignite us.

We would rather disintegrate
into the ash of our own making
rather than shine like stars for all eternity.


But we needn't destroy.

Look at the burning bush
– aflame with the glory of God,
burning with a fire that illuminates
the sight of Man
to see God once more.

But the bush is not consumed.

It does not burn away,
and Moses catches fire from it
and he does not burn away.

 His face shines so that
people cannot look at him
for he burns with God's fire
and yet he does not burn away.

That is what we are meant to be.

This is what the Church is for.

We are the lamp for the world
set upon the hill for all to see.

We are like Abba Lot.


The desert father, Abba Lot,
goes to see the elderly Abba Joseph
and says to him,

 “Abba, as far as I can I say my Little Office.

I fast a little.

I pray.

I meditate.

I live in peace and,
as far as I can,
I purify my thoughts.

What else am I to do?”

Abba Joseph, in his great age,
stands up,
stretches his hands towards heaven
and his fingers become like ten lamps of fire,
and he says to Abba Lot,

“If you will, you can become all flame.”

We have all the ingredients to burn:
we have the Catholic Faith,
a Catholic Bishop,
a Catholic Liturgy.

We have Bible, Altar, Font.

We have the Church Fathers,
the authority to remit sins,
the Holy Sacraments, 
the Word of God Himself!

We have everything we need to burn.

We just need to be
who we are meant to be.

We just need the humility
to accept who God means us to be.

We need to struggle and be prepared to struggle because of this discrepancy
between who we really are 
and who we want to be.

Like Jacob, we wrestle with God
over our own existence
until, out of love,
He puts our hips out of joint,
so that we might understand
and accept ourselves in Him.

And who are we meant to be?

We are the Anglican Catholic Church
and we are meant to be exactly that.

As a part of the wider Catholic Church,
we are meant to bear the Faith once delivered to the saints,
the Faith that applies
at all times, in all places and for everybody,
to the English-speaking and English-cultured people.

We are to help people struggle with Life,
in the midst of our own struggles with Life,
so that all might find God.

This is what we are meant to be
and this is how
we are to set the world ablaze.

We can only do so if we hold together
in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
living our lives alongside the saints,
 like St Catherine,
who only appear to have died
and whose lives still burn brightly with God.

We can only do so if we are humble before God and each other.

If we shame the world by laying aside
our own hobby-horses,
our own selfish desires,
 our own self-importance
in order to share the same
Communion of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and thus further the burning love of God
for mankind in a world
that is growing cold.

Do you know who God means you to be?

How will you set the world on fire?

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