
Monday, April 14, 2014

Holy Week 2014: Monday

Would you refuse anaesthetic in an operation? It seems rather bizarre that, when offered something to numb the pain, Our Lord refuses. Gall, the colocynth, is an anti-inflammatory, and vinegar a disinfectant given to prevent the crucified from dying quickly through shock caused by the pain. For our Lord, numbness to the pain mean numbness to our sins. Sins exist, are real and cannot be ignored because they separate the soul from God. He knows that it His duty and will to die for those sins in their reality and not their theoretical existence.

All too often, we numb ourselves to our sin, putting them out of our minds so that we do not feel their bitterness, their sharp sting on the conscience. It is a brave soul who truly tries to open itself to the Passion of Our Lord, for it will feel the agony of mankind's curse before it can feel the healing of all harms. For those of us who cannot yet do so, we must pray for a greater appreciation of the crucifixion so that we can seek out the agony of those around us who suffer so much and bring the balm that Christ offers us in His agony.

I adore thee, O Lord Jesu Christ, wounded on the Cross, and having gall and vinegar given thee to drink: I beseech thee that thy wounds may be the healing of my soul. Amen

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